
You Can Build the Bridge Between HOPE and HOME

Project HOME
Mother and young child smiling

For 35 years, you have championed the work of Project HOME. You have made an impact on thousands of lives across Philadelphia and been a beacon of hope in times of struggle. You are the reason we have come so far in our journey to end and prevent chronic street homelessness in Philadelphia.

A network of resources built around housing, opportunities for employment, medical care, and education—H-O-M-E. We knew that homelessness was solvable, and that it would take all of us. From that day forward, Project HOME has been about the whole community coming together—and that includes you. Your gift today will ensure that together, we will continue to build the bridge between HOPE and HOME.

You have stood with us so that we could stand together with people who are all too often unheeded, unheard, and unseen.

You have helped us create more than 1,000 units of permanent supportive and affordable housing. Our newest residence, Inn of Amazing Mercy, and the groundbreaking work of the Epstein Street Medicine Program are innovative programs in the heart of Kensington providing equity, love, and community.

You have accelerated our ability to offer workforce development, employment certificate programs, and living wage jobs to hundreds of residents.

You have strengthened our ability to offer health, wellness, and safety to tens of thousands at our Stephen Klein Wellness Center and Hub of Hope.

You have inspired us to award hundreds of thousands in critical scholarship funds to the talented and determined Honickman Learning Center Comcast Technology Lab students who represent the future – for all of us.

Yes, these are milestones to celebrate. But we still need your help to do even more.

As it has since 1989, your generosity can help build the bridge from HOPE to HOME.

Sister Mary Scullion and Joan Dawson McConnon



“Every Day is the Best Day” 

smiling man


On a chilly February morning, Darin received a phone call that would change his life. Darin would be one of 50 residents moving into Project HOME’s newest property, Inn of Amazing Mercy in Kensington. In addition to becoming one of Inn of Amazing Mercy’s first residents, the move also signaled a more personal “first” for Darin. His first-ever apartment.

“It has never been just me taking care of myself and I was a little nervous,” shares Darin.

Stepping off the elevator on the fourth floor, slotting in the key, and stepping over the threshold into his apartment was, what Darin calls, a “deep breath moment.”

“It is an experience for me to call this room my home. I never had one,” reflects Darin.

After a few tears, and a whole lot of joy—made possible through your unwavering commitment – the impossible had become possible for Darin.  He had crossed the bridge from HOPE to HOME.

Inn of Amazing Mercy marks a milestone in Project HOME’s mission to end and prevent chronic street homelessness in Philadelphia: eclipsing 1,000 units of permanent supportive and affordable housing.

What’s more, through your leadership and with your support, we are expanding our work to wherever it is needed most.

You are with Darin, the many individuals receiving medical care through the Epstein Street Medicine Program in Kensington, and the more than 1,000 residents throughout Project HOME’s 25 residences and program sites every step of the way.



A Gift that Turns HOPE into HOME

Have you considered making a monthly contribution? By giving monthly to Project HOME, you ensure the resources provided through our programs remain accessible to anyone in need.  

You can also support Project HOME’s annual appeal by recommending a gift through your Donor Advised Fund.

Does your company provide a matching charitable donation? Many employers will help you make your gift go twice as far by matching your gift.

For information on how to donate via wire transfer, stock transfer, or ACH payment, please contact Sungbin Kim at [email protected]


None of us are home until all of us are home®