Public Policy

Project HOME Statement on Supreme Court Decision Upholding Ban on Sleeping Outdoors
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is not cruel and unusual to impose a fine on an unhoused person who is sleeping outside, even when they...
Service providers, advocates call for transparency and accountability as City Council authorizes $100 million treatment facility
Our organizations were deeply concerned to read newly released details about Mayor Parker’s proposed treatment and wellness center in the news last...
[NEWS] Sister Mary: Homelessness has hit record levels, and snow is coming. This should be our new mayor’s immediate priority.
Sister Mary wrote an op/ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer urging Mayor Cherelle Parker to adopt long-term solutions to chronic homelessness: "After her...
Mayoral Voters Guide for Housing and Homelessness Solutions, 2023
We asked Philadelphia’s two leading mayoral candidates, David Oh and Cherelle Parker, to provide a 250-word response that speaks to what their...
Voters’ Guide Question for the Candidates for Mayoral Election, 2023
We asked Philadelphia’s mayoral candidates to provide a 250-word response to the question below. Their responses below have not been edited beyond...

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