Meet Donnell

A graphic featuring Project HOME resident Donnell

Donnell's Story

Donnell's story took a step in the right direction during a wellness visit to Philadelphia's Mazzoni Center. His eyes were drawn to a simple flyer that read, "Interested in affordable housing?" At the time, Donnell was struggling to find a place to call his own. With support from a Mazzoni Center case worker, Donnell submitted his application for Project HOME’s Francis House of Peace.  

Six years later, Donnell sees a difference. An affirming, life-changing difference that your generosity helps to support and sustain. 

"I'm moving up in the world!" Donnell says with a chuckle. Thanks to full-time employment as a Public Safety Dispatcher, Donnell recently moved within Francis House of Peace to a market-rate apartment this past summer.

"It really goes beyond housing," says Donnell. "The resources within Project HOME strengthened everything from my employment, to budgeting, to my self-confidence. Project HOME accepts you for the person you are and make sure you're supported throughout your life's journey."

When you continue your support of Project HOME, our community, and our mission, you are helping to speed the development of permanent, supportive, affordable housing, opportunities for employment, access to medical care, and education. 

What's more, with your next gift, our talented, hard-working, and determined staff will continue to bring hope to those who are unsheltered and work with anyone when they are ready to take the next step toward recovery, a HOME, and a brighter, more secure future. 


Make a Gift


Your Impact in Fiscal Year 2022


  • 1,157 residents across Project HOME  
  • 98 percent of young adults (like Michelle and Donnell) remain in stable housing after one-year  

Opportunities for Employment  

  • 264 adult learners participating in Project HOME’s Adult Education and Employment Department programs  
  • 114 residents (up 40 percent over FY21) enrolled in post-secondary, GED, and/or professional certificate programs designed to lead to competitive employment  

Medical Care  


None of us are home until all of us are home®